Where are we stuck?

5 min readApr 20, 2021



Beliefs are the perspective which we gain during any time in our life time towards anything or everything. Beliefs are something that we have accepted, considered to be true, an attitude, a part of our behavior etc. Many of the beliefs have become a part of our life with our knowledge and without our knowledge.

Limiting beliefs are the beliefs which block our way to know our true potential, OUR TRUE SELF. We remain in this belief without even realizing that we are in a problem. Because we start feeling comfortable with it.

Human beings have an immense capacity to adjust, to adapt. But most of the time, we don’t realize that we are getting adapted to something which is harming us, which is not allowing us to grow further.


Now you must be wondering what are those beliefs which are in our minds and I am not even realizing it. When I will name them, you will know it. And you encounter these beliefs on a daily basis, you can hear it as small whispers, sometimes you can hear it as big bangs.

Unhealthy Beliefs About Yourself
Concluding that you are a loser, a failure, unlikable, or incapable will prevent you from doing your best.

Unhealthy Beliefs About Others
Believing everyone is against you, untrustworthy, or manipulative will make it impossible to develop healthy relationships.

Unhealthy Beliefs About the World
Assuming that you can’t succeed in today’s world or thinking that the world is too dark of a place to ever be happy will take a toll on your life.

The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.” — Tony Robbins

Examples of the limiting beliefs are:

I am not smart enough

I am not a person of ____________skills

I am not confident enough to speak

I am too old

I am too young

I have never done this before, how will I do it.

I am not a smart worker

I cannot find a true love (friend was in deep love with someone, thought she will never get it)

I cannot utter a word in front of anyone.

What they will think about me.

I cannot think about success, it is meant for rich people

I cannot become rich, no one in our family’s history has become rich.

I cannot make huge money, thinking about more, thinking about more will bring pride in me, which is very bad and I may go astray.

I don’t want to come out of your comfort zone

I can’t take up new responsibility

Fear of the unknown

Fear of handling success

Will I be able to handle the pressure of standing in front of the people. Will I go astray when money comes to me

What if ____________happens?

Fear of judgement-what will they think about me. We feel if others will judge me wrongly, I will be left alone or there is a feeling of rejection, or we may be scared to face the humiliation-search about this how to resolve this

I can never be happy

These are some of the general examples to make you understand. Now you must be wondering what is the BIG deal about it and this is quite normal for anyone. Exactly..

According to the National Science Foundation, our brains can produce as many as 50,000 thoughts per day. Ninety-five percent of these thoughts are repeated daily. You decide how you think and that becomes a can or can’t.

“The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.” Tony Robbins.

We all have limiting beliefs that stop us from achieving our dreams or our everyday goals. These beliefs often develop as our mind’s defense mechanism that support us from difficult situations, challenges or failures. Limiting beliefs inhibits our progress.

Your thoughts become your beliefs which, in turn, become your mindset. Your mindset fuels your actions, which create your reality.


1. Identify them-Monitor yourself on a daily basis. Even a small chatter can be your limiting belief. Any belief which is dragging you back, any belief which is coming in your mind as a negative dialogue. Does your maximum focus go on others or yourself? Suppose for example, you don’t like your boss, but you have to interact with him on a daily basis, maybe on an hourly basis. Are you focusing on how he is? thinking wrong about him, judging him, getting irritated on him, then your maximum focus on him and not on you.

2. Find the root of the cause- look at your beliefs one by one. Pick one at a time. Now question yourself why you think that, like for example you are not good at speaking. So how did you get that belief and from where did you get that belief from. May be back in your childhood, you must have encountered a failure with it, you must have been told to speak in a recitation competition and you messed it up. So again, ask a question, why did you mess it up. Maybe you were given that in short notice or you might not have prepared well for it. So come down to an answer that yes, I was not prepared well for it. So, the root cause is this and not that I cannot speak in front of people. So, you have to find a solution for the actual cause. Next time prepare well for such situations.

3. Transforming- Once you unleash the knots, rewire your brain with affirmations. Whenever a thought comes in your mind, I am not good enough, say to yourself I am born to be good. If you think that, I am not smart then immediately tell yourself, I am smart and so on. I am confident. I am a good speaker etc. Suppose you are going to have a presentation in the office after 1 week. Generally, if you feel that you don’t have the skill of public speaking, you start thinking about the unknown means you don’t know what is actually going to happen after 1 week, you may be giving a good presentation, or may fail, this is unknown. But you start creating in your mind, will I be able to make it, will I stumble? As these thoughts come, immediately say to yourself No, I can make it happen, you may not be knowing how, you may have failed many times before, just simply say Yes, I am going to make it amazingly well. Say this to yourself while going for sleep, when you wake up. So, whatever are your limiting beliefs, do the root cause analysis, unleash it, do the affirmations.

By doing this you are converting your limiting beliefs into new truths which will bring you out from slavery, slavery of the things which were not needed.

It is not that I’ll believe it when I see it but the truth is that you’ll see it if you believe it.




I have a vision to transform the limiting beliefs of 1 million people to limitless mindset, know their true self and have an incredible life